Skip Bin Hire Ropes Crossing

In Ropes Crossing as well as in nearby locations including Willmot, Lethbridge Park, Shanes Park, Werrington, Shalvey and Llandilo, Skip Bin Hire Ropes Crossing are the skip bin hire specialists with everything you need for convenient, cost-effective, reliable disposal and recycling of your waste. We offer skip bin hire for residential, commercial and industrial sites.

We offer 10 sizes of marrel bin and 8 sizes of hook bin. Our range of skip bin sizes enables you to choose the right size for the job in hand. Our Bin Size Guide tells you the equivalent number of wheelbarrow loads each size bin can accommodate, which is an easy way to get a rough guide to the volume of each bin. The exact dimensions and volume in cubic metres are also available to help you make the right choice. If you run out of bin-space, you can always order extra bins. If you want to be safe, you could order a larger bin at the outset, but the risk is you pay for that size even if it’s not full.

Getting the right skip bin near you need not be challenging or difficult. Skipbin Co’s nationwide network of skip bin hire providers ensures you can always find a local provider, which is more convenient for you, and supports local business in your area.  

We take your budget seriously – cheap skip bins Ropes Crossing offer value for money. Dealing with a local skip bin hire firm results in significantly lower costs, for example in terms of fuel and toll costs, and we pass those savings on to the customer. 

For larger volumes of waste, a hook bin from hook bins Ropes Crossing will most likely be your best bet. Hook bins, or hook lift bins, are co called because they are lifted off the truck by a hook when delivered to your site. You can hire a hook bin from Skip Bin Hire Ropes Crossing for between $1,555 to $2,749, depending on the size. Our largest hook bin can accommodate roughly 180 wheelbarrows worth of waste. 

One of the most experienced skip bin hire providers in the industry, Skip bin Hire Ropes Crossing offers a convenient 24/7 online booking service you can use to ensure the quickest delivery to your site.  Our team of skip bin hire experts have worked in the industry for over 20 years, and our operators are carefully screened and fully trained.

We provide Skip Bin Hire for different waste types

At our Skip Bin Co, we offer a comprehensive range of waste bins tailored to meet diverse needs. From general household rubbish to building debris, our selection includes bins suitable for various waste types. 

Ready to book a bin?

Same Day Delivery

We've got you covered with same-day service to most areas

24/7 Online Booking

Convenient booking at your fingertips with 24/7 online booking

Cost-effective Prices

We offer a large selection of skip bins at a competitive cost.

Clean Waste

What can go in a clean waste bin

Only one type of waste listed below, you cannot mix types

Tiles only on its own

Bricks only on its own

Pebbles and rocks on its own

Sandstone on its own

Dry concrete rubble (max size 700x 700) on its own

What can’t go in a clean waste bin

Soil, clay and dirt

Excavation waste

Green waste

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Books, pamphlets, papers

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Mixed Rubble Waste

What can go in a mixed rubble waste bin

Tiles and mortar


Pebbles and rocks


Dry concrete rubble (max size 700x 700)

What can’t go in a mixed rubble waste

Soil, clay and dirt

Excavation waste

Green waste

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Books, pamphlets, papers

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Tyres, mattresses

No other materials apart from what has been listed

Green Waste

What can go in a green waste bin

Small branches, shrubs, garden trimmings (excludes tree trunks and roots greater than 600mm long and 350mm wide)

Untreated timber

Bark and wood chip without soil

What can’t go in a green waste bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Books, pamphlets, papers

Tyres, mattresses

No other materials apart from what has been listed

Excavation Waste

What can go in an excavation waste bin

Dirt, sand, clay, soil, tock and sandstone no larger than 650mm x 650mm

Less than 10% vegetation, turf

What can’t go in an excavation waste bin

Contaminated soil


Soil with asbestos

Man-made materials

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

No other waste permittable

Light Building Waste

What can go in a light building waste bin

Light domestic waste from renovations excluding heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Appliances, furniture, fridges, washing machines, dishwasher, ovens

Some green waste such as small branches, shrubs and garden trimmings (excludes tree trunks and roots greater than 600mm long and 350mm wide)

Light commercial waste such as office furniture, filing cabinets, chairs

Household items such as paper, cardboard, kitchen wear, cloths, toys

What can’t go in a light building waste bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Excess books, pamphlets, papers

Tyres, mattresses (extra charges apply, tyres not allowed in QLD)

Mixed Waste With Soil

What can go in a mixed heavy waste with soil bin

Demolition waste including metal, steel, timber, plastic, gyprock, some glass, bricks, tiles, dry concrete pieces smaller than 650mm x650mm

Appliances, furniture, fridges, washing machines, dishwasher, ovens

Less than 80% sand, clay, soil and dirt products

Some green waste such as small branches, shrubs, garden trimmings, logs up to 0.5m long and smaller than 350 mm in diameter

Light commercial waste such as office furniture, filing cabinets, chairs

Household items such as paper, cardboard, kitchen wear, cloths, toys

What can’t go in a mixed heavy waste with soil bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots greater than 0.5, long and 350mm wide

Villa board, fibro, asbestos

Gyprock, fibro, asbestos, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Tyres, mattresses (extra charges apply, tyres not allowed in QLD)

Mixed Heavy Waste

What can go in a mixed heavy waste bin

Demolition waste including metal, steel, timber, plastic, gyprock, some glass, bricks, tiles, dry concrete pieces smaller than 650mm x650mm

Appliances, furniture, fridges, washing machines, dishwasher, ovens

Some green waste such as small branches, shrubs, garden trimmings, logs up to 0.5m long and smaller than 350 mm in diameter

Light commercial waste such as office furniture, filing cabinets, chairs

Household items such as paper, cardboard, kitchen wear, cloths, toys

What can’t go in a mixed heavy waste bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots greater than 0.5, long and 350mm wide

Villa board, fibro, asbestos

Clay, soil, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Tyres, mattresses (extra charges apply, tyres not allowed in QLD)

Household Waste

What can go in a household waste bin

Appliances, furniture, fridges, washing machines, dishwasher, ovens

Some green waste such as small branches, shrubs, garden trimmings (excludes tree trunks and roots

Light commercial waste such as office furniture, filing cabinets, chairs

Household items such as paper, cardboard, kitchen wear, cloths, toys

What can’t go in a household waste bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Tyres, mattresses (extra charges apply, tyres not allowed in QLD)

General Waste

What can go in a general waste bin

Appliances, furniture, fridges, washing machines, dishwasher, ovens

Some green waste such as small branches, shrubs, garden trimmings (excludes tree trunks and roots

Light commercial waste such as office furniture, filing cabinets, chairs

Household items such as paper, cardboard, kitchen wear, cloths, toys

What can’t go in a general waste bin

Food products, perishable and non-perishable

Underlay, carpet, vinyl and rubber products, synthetic turf

Tree stumps and large roots

Heavy construction materials such as bricks, clay, soil, tiles, concrete, gyprock, fibro, asbestos, timbers, insulation, paint, chemicals and chemical containers

Tyres, mattresses (extra charges apply, tyres not allowed in QLD)